Payment terms
The system performance calculation has been undertaken using estimated values for array orientation, inclination or
shading. Actual performance may be significantly lower or higher if the characteristics of the installed system vary from
the estimated values. The performance of solar PV systems is impossible to predict with certainty due to the variability
in the amount of solar radiation (sunlight) from location to location and from year to year. The estimate is based upon
the standard MCS procedure and is given as guidance only. It should not be considered as a guarantee of performance.
To accurately show the net financial implications of installing solar our commercial proposals are shown exclusive of
VAT, for installation costs, annual energy costs and energy rates.
Commercial installations will have VAT charged at 20%.
Please note, that this proposal is subject to a site survey of the roof and the electrical infrastructure, as well as,
permission being granted to connect a generation resource, by the local Distribution Network Operator (DNO). Planning
permission will also be required on roof-mounted systems over 1MW.
Payment Terms:
• On placing an order, a 10% deposit will be payable.
• On delivery of goods to the site, a further 40% will be payable
• Upon completion of the installation, a further invoice for 40% will be raised, the final 10% will be payable once the
system is commissioned and generates energy.
Export Meter:
Once the system is complete and we have passed the necessary paperwork to the DNO, they will provide an export
MPAN for the site.
This export MPAN can then be sent to your Meter Operator, to provide an export meter, so you can contract with an
energy company of your choice to sell your export energy.
This meter process can take a few weeks and is not something we control.
• 10-year product warranty (Parts and labour)
• 25-year power warranty (minimum power output of 80% over 25 years)
• 2-year workmanship warranty. (Applies to the full solar system installation)
Our terms and conditions are available on request.
Note: The system design may change based on a detailed site audit. Estimated savings are based on past electrical
usage and utility rates provided by the customer where applicable. Actual system production and savings will vary
based on final system design, configuration, utility rates, applicable subsidies and your energy usage post-solar
installation. Utility rates, charges and fee structures imposed by your utility are not affected by this proposal and are
subject to change in the future at the discretion of your utility. The production calculations in this report are based on
historical climate data for the site location and represent typical estimates of future solar production